
In 20 years, the world will be unrecognizable

  1. 3 leaders of the AI era: in algorithms, big data and computing.
    In the 1st and 2nd, the leaders have already decided and will not change. No one can catch up with the USA in AI algorithms anymore. And no one can take away China’s superiority in data volumes. The leader in computing has not yet been determined. Taiwan has a good chance (unless, I add for myself, China takes over this leadership together with Taiwan).
  2. 6 key trends — vectors of changes in 2021-2041.
    The transition from humans to AI of intellectual and technical (non-creative) types of business activities.
    Forecast for 2041: all analytics and marketing will move to AI.
    ✔ Three-stage implementation of autonomous cars:
    1) closed territories 2) reconstructed highways — sensors, cameras, highlights 3) smart city.
    Forecast for 2041: you can drive yourself only outside the city, as you can ride a horse now.
    ✔ Daily AI recommendations based on blood analysis, whole body MRI and genetic monitoring, as well as the invention of new vaccines and medicines for precision/personal medicine using AI.
    Forecast for 2041: solutions in the development of what MegaRobo already offers will increase life expectancy by 20 years.
    ✔ The 4th Industrial Revolution (AI + robots), which will be led by China.
    Forecast for 2041: solutions to build on what EP Equipment already offers will allow you to robotize up to 95% of the most complex industries and logistics.
    ✔ Energy (green energy and lithium batteries) and agricultural (unmanned agriculture, vertical farms and food printed on a 3D printer) revolutions, of which China will also become the leader.
    Forecast for 2041: solutions in the development of what XAG already offers will finally solve the food problem.
    ✔️ The advent of the “era of abundance”: food, clothing, housing and health protection will become publicly available, and full robotization will ensure the transition to an unconditional basic income.
  3. However, the “beautiful day after tomorrow” predicted in paragraph 2 may not come because of the risks that humanity will face “tomorrow”:
    An unauthorized autonomous nuclear weapon may violate the deterrent parity of the threat of mutual destruction, which still saves the world from nuclear war.
    The commodification of “autonomous AI killers” worth less than $1 thousand, which is not restrained by legislation, can plunge the world into terrorist chaos.
    ✔ When the mechanism of self—regulation of the free market stalls, people will lose 80% of their jobs, and inequality will finally go off scale – this can lead to unbearable consequences for people with unpredictable developments.
    If a new class system is formed (the upper class is the elite in the field of AI, the middle class is a relatively small group of professionals in complex activities, and the lower class is the masses who are unable to change anything), the consequences of this are also unpredictable.

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